I already posted today (see below), but I thought I must show you the July 14th fireworks, which this year were splendid! The Tower celebrates its 120 years.

After 30 minutes it was over!
I was together with Virginia on the Pont de Grenelle. When it was over we dicovered that my family was on the same bridge.
Wish I could have enjoyed this celebration as well. Love how you captured the excitement.
This is so beautiful! I enjoyed the pictures very much.
I love Paris and I love fireworks. This is a wonderful combonation.
Spectacular pictures!
Brilliant fireworks!
Bonjour Peter, bien que la tour Eiffel se trouve devant nos fenêtres, nous avons quand même raté ce grand moment.
Donc Merci Peter pour ces belles images !
Can never get enough of this :D My heart just melted and my knees gone weak now Peter ;)
Drôlement brillante, cette dame de 120 ans!
apres cela nos feux d'artifices vont faire petit petit petit petit ;o)) superbe, cela devait etre un moment magique
Wow! Great pictures! It must have been spectacular. Glad you enjoyed it!
Happy day, i´m a bit delayed but i´m out of Madrid
Very nice pics Peter
Well taking a zillion photos in 30 minutes paid off! I knew it. Yours are much better. How did you ever choose? The top and bottom shots are amazing. Bravo!!
Really great. I heard them even in Fécamp although they were so far away trhat I didin't see them!!!
Je l'ai dit à mon Chéri hier, : Peter va poster sur le 14 Juillet, mais je pensais que ce serait pour le défilé. Merci pour ce feu d'artifice parisien qui n'a rien de comparable avec nos feux d'artifice de campagne. Cela me rappelle le temps où je le regardais de la fenêtre de notre appart à Paris, assise sur une chaise que papa avait monté sur la table de la cuisine. (C'était quand nous habitions le 129 avenue Parmentier).
J'ai oublié de dire ques tes photos sont sublimes.
Ah, tu avais trouvé un superbe point de vue... et tu ne devais pas être le seul. Pas évident d'y retrouver sa famille, avec cette foule!
Moi j'ai vu de très loin le petit feu d'artifice de Cavalaire, près de St Tropez. Pas extraordinaire du tout, mais en revanche les quelques jours au bord de la mer sont un régal !
Oh Peter! I can hear the explosions. In person it must have been just spectacular. I know a person who is a snob and will only watch 4th of July fireworks near water. But to also have the Eiffel Tower is over the top!
Happy birthday to the Tower! Great celebration!
Would the city set fire to a stack of real money?
I guess they do if it snaps and cracks.
Lordy, Peter - what FABULOUS shots! You've surpassed yourself! Looks like a fab time was had by you and Virginia and how incredible to find your family were on the same bridge - even if you did find out later!
Happy birthday to the Tour Eiffel!
Stunning fireworks!
What can I say? These photos bring us to the scene in a wonderful way. Yes, these are fabulous and you outdid yourself with this collection of photos. Really...so beautiful.
It's Almost like being there!!!
You had found a very good spot and apparently good ideas run in the Family!!!
Thank you for posting so many photos. They are amazing and I can't believe it went on for 30 minutes! Hope to see this in person one day.
One hundred and twenty pictures for one hundred and twenty years!
No better spot.
Impressive. I'm trying to remember the light interval for this tower. From dark to lit to the brighest of bright. 15 minutes, is it?
Pour le 14 juillet, la tour Eiffel s'est mise sur son 31.
Those are some fabulous shots !!
I wish I was there.
Just loved them. And what a pleasant surprise for you to find your family there on the same bridge. :-)
I so hope that one day I can be in Paris for Bastille day with my He-weasel. It was the day that we got engaged and even though it wasn't in Paris it is a day filled with fireworks for us.
Hope you had a fantastic Bastille day!
These images are stunning. I find fireworks fun to watch but difficult to capture in a still image, but these are interesting and gorgeous.
Your photos are really great! Wonderful!
thank you thank you thank you Peter!!!!!!!
I so wanted to see this :)
Thank you Peter, these photos are brilliant :-)
Wonderful pictures! I have never managed to capture "feux d'artifices" on my camera so I shall have to enjoy yours! 30 minutes of fireworks... WOW!
Happy Birthday to the Eiffel Tower!
These are awesome!!!!! What great fireworks!
I thought I posted here the other day but it seems to have disappeared..
Beautiful photos.. amazing. There were no fireworks when I was there for New Years eve and the Bastille day that I was in France it was in the south and not much was happening.
Perhaps one day I'll see them live.
At least some pictures to subsitute! :-)
Just me:
Thanks for your visit here! Welcome back! :-)
So, next time here choose well your date! :-)
Brilliant, indeed! Never seen any better! :-)
Il faut laisser les volets ouverts un 14 juillet! :-)
Hope you were near a seat! :-)
Elle se porte bien! :-)
En effet, magique! :-)
I hope you did as well! :-)
Maybe slightly late, but certainly not too late! :-)
I know, I take too many! .. and lose a lot of time trying to choose! :-)
At least you have very good ears! :-)
Tellement difficile de voir au-dessus des têtes des autres... et je n'étais pas invité d'assister à coté de Sarko! :-)
On ne peut pas tout avoir! :-)
Water and the Eiffel Tower... not bad! :-)
Thanks on behalf of the grand old lady! :-)
I know that I have to pay it somehow! :-)
We found out - late - thanks to our mobile phones of course! :-)
Indeed! :-)
I was surprised myself how relatively well they came out! :-)
I knew this point from before (Pont de Grenelle), but I'm not the only one! :-)
from cali:
Nice to find you here! Yes, 30 minutes as promised and programmed! :-)
So, you counted my pictures! :-)
No, its permantly lighted (when it's dark), but get the glittering lights for about five minutes every hour. :-)
Toujours un bon mot! :-)
Yes, that was a good surprise! :-)
La Belette...:
Fireworks, champagne... such things must be celebrated! :-)
As I said also above, I was surpirsed to see some of my photos come out fairly well! :-)
Thanks so much! :-)
So you were never here a July 14th? :-)
A pleasure to present them :-)
I geuss I was lucky! The right light, settings, distance..., don't ask me for the recipe! :-)
Great indeed! :-)
Plan for Paris July 14th! :-)
even I had the good fortune of seeing 4th July Fireworks up close out here!
Great pictures!
Good! ... and thanks! :-)
Happy Bastille Day!
Que de beauté ici. Car le feu d'artifice à Nîmes pas superbe et oui de plus le 13 juillet je viens de souffler ma bougie.
Fantastic pictures! I wish I was able to do the same...
Wow! Very awesome
I hope I can join and see those fireworks there someday
You are great in captured this pict ^^
Great show! Much more impressive than the Icelandic fireworks... «La grandeur de la France»... ;))
Thanks! (It's over of course, for this time.) :-)
Paris a mis les moyens cette année! :-)
I did nothing special, maybe just lucky! :-)
I hope the same! :-)
What did you expect? :-)
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